Fall 2017 Newsletter Highlights


Update from the Existential Analysis Canada Board

Dear EA Canada Members and Friends,

On this beautiful BC autumn day, I send you warm greetings from the Existential Analysis Society of Canada. I trust that you have successfully navigated the transition from the slower pace of summer to the more engaged tempo of the fall. And with this new engagement, I am pleased to provide you with a brief update on the workings and beings of your society.

During this season I am reminded about the importance of, and need for, our work. I have had the blessing and privilege of sitting with friends, clients, students and colleagues who have all benefitted from Existential Analysis, whose life and work has been touched and shaped by this approach. And I have also found myself feeling deeply appreciative for the training in psychotherapy that has taught me to trust increasingly in my own inner knowing, my spirit, as Frankl might say. In spite of the fact that much of our discipline emphasizes the objective, and seems to have a fundamental distrust of this most human part of ourselves, I have found time and again that it has proven to be a faithful guide. It depends, of course, upon my inner connection, my attentiveness to this inner knowing and upon my courage to act upon it. But I have found – anew in this season – that it is worth taking this risk. It leads, paradoxically perhaps, to an increased confidence, to knowing who I am and a greater capacity to trust in this knowing…

Inter-American Journal on Existential Analysis

No. 21 - September 2017

We invite you to read the latest issue of Existencia No. 21 September 2017. This issue is dedicated to the theme of “INtimacy and Identity”. Enjoy reading!

EA in Alberta

Introductory Existential Analysis Seminars in Calgary
lead by Rochelle Chapman

New Cohort 5 in Vancouver, B.C.

Existential Analysis Training Opportunities
with the Existential Analysis Society of Canada
(Affiliate of GLE International)

A life led with inner consent, commitment, engagement, and freedom to choose.

JOIN the upcoming Cohort!!

Introduction to Existential Analysis

Intro B - Oct. 21 - 22, 2017
Intro C - Nov. 5, 2017
Intro A - Dates TBA

Silvia Längle’s new book Living Your Own Life:
Existential Analysis in Action

Please obtain your very own copy of Silvia Längle’s book, Living Your Own Life: Existential Analysis in Action through EA Canada. Längle edited her most recent book with Christopher Wurm, which consists of a short introduction to Existential Therapy and Existential Analysis.

Next Board Meeting

The next board meeting will be October 26, 2017. If you have any thoughts that you would like to share with the board, please email Tanya Kliefoth at BlueSkyCounselingVancouver@gmail.com.

Read the entire newsletter here