Certificate & Diploma Requirements


These 3 levels are part-time, with a maximum of 20 training days per year. They are designed to be managed alongside current occupations and/or other training (people-helping professions or studies in counselling and/or psychology).


  1. One individual admissions interview

  2. Two admission days at the start of the Basic Certificate (included in the 44-54 days of training)

  3. Self-experience in individual sessions

  4. Supervision

  5. Exams

  6. Practical work: practicum hours (can be completed as part of other training programs or in
    private practice (not required for basic certificate)

  7. A written theoretical or practical paper or project (not required for basic certificate)


In Detail


Subject to adjustment


Basic Certificate

in Existential Analysis and Logotherapy

  • 44 to 54 seminar days • 2 1⁄2 to 3 years


  • 2 hour written exam with 20 questions after the first year of training as well as at the end of basic training (or five 8 question mini exams at the end of each section)


  • Minimum 15 hours individually with therapist - minimum 10 of these hours with EA therapist (for other therapists, 2 hours count as 1 hour)

  • Maximum 5 hours in EA small groups (3 hours count as 1 hour, hence maximum 15
    hours in EA small groups)


Basic Certificate in EA and LT - not a requirement


  • not a requirement


  • not a requirement


  • not a requirement


  • not a requirement

Counselling Diploma

in Existential Analysis and Logotherapy

  • 7 additional clinical seminar days

  • Plus 4 PD days (special seminars/congresses)

  • 3 to 3 1⁄2 years (includes supervision)


  • An additional 4 hour written exam with 10 theoretical questions and a treatment proposal for 4 cases at the end of 7 days clinical training


  • Minimum 20 hours individually with therapist – minimum 10 of these hours with EA therapist (for other therapists, 2 hours count as 1 hour)

  • Maximum 10 hours in EA small groups (3 hours count as 1 hour, hence maximum
    30 hours in EA small groups)


  • 100 hours

  • Minimum 50 hours with EA therapist or in EA seminars

  • Remaining hours can come from outside supervision

  • Maximum 33 hours can be done during counselling diploma training - Remaining 67 hours to be done afterwards


  • 200 hours


  • 5 cases

  1. 2 general counselling situations (supervised once)

  2. 1 crisis situation (supervised 1-3 times)

  3. 2 longer counselling situations of more than 3 counselling sessions with the same
    client (supervised 1-3 times)


  • 20 pages


  • minimum 4 days of special seminars and/or EA congresses

Psychotherapy Diploma

in Existential Analysis

  • 36 to 46 additional seminar days

  • Plus 7 PD days (special seminars/congresses)

  • 5-7 years (includes supervision) for completion of all requirements


  • An additional 4 hour written exam with 10 theoretical questions and a treatment proposal for 4 cases at the end of clinical training


Minimum 50 hours (usually 70-80 hours)

  • Minimum 32 hours individually with therapist - minimum 16 of these hours with EA therapist (for other therapists, 2 hours count as 1 hour)

  • Maximum 18 hours in EA small groups (3 hours count as 1 hour, hence maximum
    54 hours in EA small groups)


150 hours

  • Minimum 75 hours with EA therapist or in EA seminars

  • Remaining hours can come from outside supervision

  • Maximum 50 hours can be done during counselling diploma training

  • Remaining 100 hours to be done after psychotherapy diploma training begins


  • 550 hours supervised practicum or internship as part of a degree or other training program or supervised clinical work (approved by trainers); supervision of practicum - 30 hours; for those possessing a diploma or degree with 550 hours supervised practicum or internship prior to EA training, this requirement is considered to be fulfilled

  • 600 hours own practical work seeing clients; supervision of practical work - 150 hours

  • The above required hours can be completed during EA training or after seminars have been completed


  • 5 cases presented a minimum of 5 times each (average 7 times) and a final supervision; if there are difficulties presenting long-term client cases, 3 long-term client cases may be replaced by:

    a) 2 cases from medium-term clients (30-50 hours) supervised several times;

    b) 2 cases from short-term clients (15-30 hours) supervised several times; additional case supervision

  • 5 thematic case presentations (supervised 1-2 times)


  • 30 pages


  • minimum 7 days of special seminars and/or EA congresses

*Formula for Requirements

Supervision Formula

  • EA seminar supervision: 1 hour counts as 1 hour (generally 8 hours for full day)

  • EA group supervision with EA therapist: 1 hour counts as 1 hour

  • Group supervision with EA therapist or other therapist: 2 hours count as 1 hour

  • EA peer group supervision: 3 hours counts as 1 hour

  • Individual supervision with EA therapist: 50 or 60 minutes session counts as 1 hour

  • Individual supervision with other therapist: 2 sessions of 50 or 60 minutes counts as 1 hour

  • Therapists not trained in EA are to have an existential or humanistic orientation

Self-Experience Formula

  • Individual self-experience with EA therapist: 1 hour counts as 1 hour

  • Individual self-experience with other therapist: 2 hours count as 1 hour

  • Group self-experience with EA small groups: 3 hours count as 1 hour

  • Therapists not trained in EA are to have an existential or humanistic orientation.

  • The approval of completion of individual self-experience is given by the EA therapist who has done most of the sessions.

Paper Formula

  • No page requirement for a published article in a scientific journal

  • Can also be a project (approved by trainers)

  • The paper can be on practical themes (example: case studies, application of methods, comparison with other therapeutic procedures, etc.) or theoretical questions (anthropological themes, philosophical themes, psychological themes, etc.) or it can be done as a literature work discussing for example, a book from Yalom

  • The paper must deal with EA contents and include EA literature